Symphony of the Cosmic Weaver - Music in the Threads of Stars - Poem Lyrics in English


In the cosmic tapestry where galaxies entwine,

Symphony of the cosmic weaver, a dance divine.

Music in the threads of stars, a celestial ballet,

Woven by the cosmic weaver in the Milky Way.

Threads of stardust, spun in the cosmic loom,

Symphony echoing through the celestial room.

Each star a note, each nebula a chord,

In the cosmic symphony, where mysteries are stored.

Oh, cosmic weaver, with hands unseen,

Crafting constellations in the celestial sheen.

Music in the threads of stars, a melodious design,

In the cosmic loom, where galaxies entwine.

In the tapestry of night, where dreams take flight,

Symphony of the cosmic weaver, woven in the night.

Threads of starlight, a celestial song,

In the cosmic loom, where galaxies belong.

Nebulae swirl in a cosmic dance,

Symphony in the threads, a celestial trance.

In the velvet of space, where galaxies are spun,

Music in the cosmic threads, a journey begun.

Stars twinkle like notes in the cosmic score,

Symphony of the cosmic weaver, forevermore.

Threads of galaxies in the celestial sea,

Woven by the cosmic weaver, a symphony.

Symphony of the Cosmic Weaver - Music in the Threads of Stars - Poem Lyrics in English
Symphony of the Cosmic Weaver - Music in the Threads of Stars - Poem Lyrics in English

In the symphony of the cosmic weaver, where threads align,

Music in the threads of stars, a celestial design.

A cosmic ballet in the vast expanse,

In the cosmic weaver's symphony, where dreams enhance.

Oh, cosmic weaver, with your celestial loom,

In your threads, a dance of stars does bloom.

Symphony written in the fabric of the night,

In the cosmic weaver's tapestry, where galaxies ignite.

Each thread, a note in the astral score,

In the cosmic weaver's symphony, forevermore.

A melody where constellations weave,

Music in the threads, where wonders interleave.

Through the tapestry of cosmic space where galaxies swirl,

In the symphony of the cosmic weaver, where dreams unfurl.

Notes written in the celestial dance,

In the threads of stars, where time and space enhance.

Oh, listen closely to the weaver's cosmic hum,

In the symphony where the stars become.

Music in the threads, a celestial art,

In the cosmic weaver's symphony, where dreams impart.

So, in the silence where the cosmic threads blend,

Feel the poetry in the cosmic weaver's trend.

Symphony of the cosmic weaver, a celestial ballet,

Music in the threads of stars, where galaxies play.

In the cosmic tapestry where galaxies gleam,

Symphony of the cosmic weaver begins to stream.

Music woven in the threads of stars so bright,

A celestial symphony, a cosmic delight.

Oh, cosmic weaver with your ethereal loom,

In your threads, galaxies dance and bloom.

Each star a note, each nebula a chord,

In the symphony of the cosmic weaver adored.

Moonlight spills in threads of silver grace,

As the cosmic weaver continues the celestial chase.

In the quiet of space, where wonders implore,

Music echoes in the threads forevermore.

Stars above witness the cosmic ballet,

As the weaver spins, night turns to day.

In the symphony, where constellations soar,

Threads of stars play in the cosmic score.

Planets join the celestial dance,

As the cosmic weaver weaves a trance.

In the cosmic tapestry, where dreams explore,

Music resonates in the threads evermore.

As the night deepens, and the cosmic winds sigh,

Symphony of the cosmic weaver continues high.

Oh, seeker of melodies in the cosmic spheres,

Listen to the threads, let go of your fears.

In the tapestry of stars, where galaxies gleam,

Symphony of the cosmic weaver, a celestial dream.

In the quiet of space, where infinity steers,

Music resonates in the cosmic weaver's gears.

In the cosmic ballet, where galaxies weave,

Threads of stars in the celestial eve.

Oh, cosmic weaver, let your music soar,

In the symphony of the cosmic threads forevermore.

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