Requiem for the Ethereal Voyage - Songs of the Celestial Journey - Poem Lyrics in English


Requiem for the Ethereal Voyage - Songs of the Celestial Journey - Poem Lyrics in English

In the quiet expanse where galaxies twine,

Requiem for the ethereal voyage, a celestial design.

Songs of the celestial journey, in the cosmic ballet,

A symphony of stars that forever sway.

Nebulas sing in hues of vibrant grace,

In the requiem's embrace, where echoes trace.

Celestial melodies in the cosmic sea,

A requiem for the ethereal, a celestial decree.

Planets dance in orbits, a cosmic waltz,

In the requiem's echo, where the ethereal exalts.

Songs written in stardust, a celestial prose,

In the voyage of the ethereal, where the cosmos bestows.

Oh, celestial voyager, in the cosmic sea,

Requiem for your journey, a melody set free.

Songs of the celestial, in the cosmic symphony,

A requiem for the ethereal, an odyssey of eternity.

Galaxies weep in astral tears,

In the requiem's silence, where the cosmos steers.

Songs of the celestial journey, written in the stars,

A requiem for the ethereal, beyond the cosmic bars.

In the quiet expanse, the ethereal sails,

Requiem for the journey, where the celestial prevails.

Songs etched in the fabric of the cosmic tapestry,

A requiem for the ethereal, in the celestial sea.

In the requiem for the ethereal voyage, where stars entwine,

Songs of the celestial journey, a hymn divine.

A cosmic ballad in the velvety night,

In the ethereal voyage, where dreams take flight.

Requiem for the Ethereal Voyage - Songs of the Celestial Journey - Poem Lyrics in English
Requiem for the Ethereal Voyage - Songs of the Celestial Journey - Poem Lyrics in English

Oh, requiem for the celestial expanse,

In your melodies, the galaxies dance.

Songs woven in the cosmic fabric,

In the tapestry of the night, where wonders flick.

Each note, a comet in the celestial sea,

In the requiem for the ethereal, a symphony.

A journey through the cosmic verse,

Songs of the celestial, where mysteries immerse.

Through the vast expanse where constellations gleam,

In the requiem for the ethereal dream.

Celestial songs in the cosmic ballet,

In the ethereal voyage, where stars convey.

Oh, listen closely to the celestial song,

In the requiem where the night is strong.

Songs that echo through the cosmic cove,

In the ethereal voyage, where dreams rove.

So, in the hush where the night unveils,

Feel the requiem for the celestial trails.

Songs of the ethereal journey, a celestial pledge,

In the cosmic tapestry, where the ethereal songs edge.

In the celestial expanse, a requiem unfurls,

For the ethereal voyage, where stardust swirls.

Songs of the celestial journey, a cosmic ballet,

Echoing through galaxies in the night's array.

Stars, like notes on a cosmic stave,

Compose a requiem for the celestial rave.

In the quiet of space, where silence cloys,

Songs of the celestial journey, celestial joys.

Oh, ethereal voyage, in the celestial sea,

Requiem sung by the moon and the tree.

Each planet a note, each comet a verse,

In the celestial journey, where dreams immerse.

Galaxies twirl in a celestial dance,

Singing requiem, a cosmic romance.

In the night's canvas, where wonders convene,

Songs of the celestial journey, serene.

As the cosmic winds carry melodies afar,

Requiem for the ethereal voyage, like a shooting star.

In the vastness of space, where infinity blends,

Songs of the celestial journey, where the universe mends.

The constellations hum in a celestial choir,

A requiem for the ethereal, a cosmic pyre.

In the tapestry of stars, where destinies deploy,

Songs of the celestial journey, a cosmic alloy.

Oh, seeker of songs in the celestial night,

Listen to the requiem, let your spirit take flight.

In the ethereal voyage, where galaxies surge,

Songs of the celestial journey, a celestial dirge.

In the cosmic requiem, where silence employs,

Songs of the celestial journey, celestial joys.

A melody for the wanderers, a hymn for the sage,

Requiem for the ethereal voyage, a celestial page.

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