Symphony of the Whispering Shadows - Music in the Veil of Night - Poem Lyrics in English


Symphony of the Whispering Shadows - Music in the Veil of Night - Poem Lyrics in English

In the symphony of whispering shadows, where night takes hold,

Music in the veil of darkness, a story to be told.

Each shadow, a note in the nocturnal score,

In the tapestry of night, where secrets implore.

Moonlight conducts the shadows in a cosmic ballet,

A symphony of whispers as the night turns gray.

In the velvet cloak of darkness, where dreams unite,

Music in the whispering shadows, an ethereal delight.

Leaves rustle like instruments in the zephyr's soft play,

A nocturne in the shadows as the night turns to day.

In the hushed ballet of the midnight hour,

Symphony of shadows, where dreams empower.

Oh, conductor of the shadows, with hands unseen,

Compose the music in the nocturnal sheen.

Let the whispers of darkness serenade,

In the symphony of shadows, where night is laid.

Stars twinkle like distant chimes in the cosmic sea,

A celestial melody, where shadows dance free.

In the veil of night, where mysteries unfurl,

Symphony of whispering shadows, an enchanting swirl.

In the quiet ballet of the nocturnal domain,

Music in the shadows, where dreams attain.

A symphony of whispers, in the silence profound,

In the veil of night, where shadows resound.

In the symphony of the whispering shadows, where darkness prevails,

Music in the veil of night, a nocturnal tale.

Shadows dance in the moon's soft glow,

A symphony of whispers, a cadence slow.

Oh, shadows that whisper in the quiet of the night,

In the moonlit symphony, where dreams take flight.

Veil of night, where mysteries entwine,

A nocturnal sonata, a dance divine.

Each shadow, a note in the night's soft hymn,

A melody where secrets swim.

In the symphony of darkness, where echoes play,

Shadows whispering in the moon's ballet.

Symphony of the Whispering Shadows - Music in the Veil of Night - Poem Lyrics in English
Symphony of the Whispering Shadows - Music in the Veil of Night - Poem Lyrics in English

Through the tapestry of midnight's embrace,

The symphony of shadows, a mysterious grace.

Music woven in the silent air,

Veil of night, where shadows share.

Oh, listen closely to the whispers so deep,

In the symphony of shadows, where secrets seep.

A nocturnal orchestra, a haunting refrain,

Music in the veil of night, a mystical terrain.

So, in the quiet where the moonlight gently billows,

Feel the symphony of the whispering shadows.

Music in the night, where mysteries abide,

In the veil of darkness, where shadows confide.

In the veil of night where shadows play,

A symphony unfolds in a mysterious ballet.

Whispering shadows, a musical embrace,

A symphony woven in the moon's soft grace.

Silhouettes dance in the nocturnal tide,

A symphony of shadows, where secrets abide.

In the hush of darkness, where dreams take flight,

Music echoes in the veil of the silent night.

Oh, seeker of melodies in the shadowy gleam,

Listen to the whispers in the moonlight's stream.

In the symphony of shadows, where silence grows,

Find the music that in the night shadows bestows.

Leaves rustle softly, a nocturnal tune,

As shadows waltz beneath the silver moon.

In the whispering symphony, where night confides,

Musical notes in the shadows reside.

Stars above shimmer in the cosmic ballet,

Witnessing the shadows in their graceful play.

In the symphony of whispers, where darkness is light,

Music weaves tales in the mystical night.

As the night deepens and the shadows sway,

The symphony continues in the moonlit bay.

Oh, seeker of harmonies in the starry meadows,

Listen to the music in the whispering shadows.

In the quietude of the nocturnal trance,

The symphony of shadows invites you to dance.

In the veil of night, where magic bestows,

Discover the music in the whispering shadows.

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